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Guest Post: An Antique Find With A Phenomenal Story →
Ahoy there shipmates! It's been a while! I have a special 'Blog Post Monday' for you this week. It is in fact a guest blog post written by some very...

My Astonishing Find, A Link To The 1831 Reform Riots & Almost A Revolution →
Welcome to another Blog Post from me. This instalment is all about an astonishing find I had recently, with my findings continuing to develop quite rapidly the more I dig...

The Defaced Coin & The Suffragette Movement →
An explanation for my lack of blog writing and the story of another rather exciting piece of social history that I found! Join me for my first blog post of...

A Rare 19th Century York Minster Relic - The Great Fire Of 1840 →
Ahoy there! Welcome to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'. Now, didn't I find some fascinating pieces on my travels this week! One of them, being a piece of local...