News — Just For Fun
Sex, Plugs & Rock 'n' Roll - The Whacky World Of Antique Sex Toys

Well, hello, and welcome to this week's instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'.
This week on my travels I saw something in an antiques store that made me chuckle. Described as a 19th century glass dump, this piece took on a phallic shape and within the body of it was something that I can only describe as resembling a wave of white tadpoles... I think you get the gist...! Anyway, me being me, I got home and started doing some research and I happened to stumble across the fascinating world of antique sex toys. They range from the unusual to the damn right uncomfortable and I thought (for some reason) it would make for an interesting blog post. I mean, after all, sex sells, right...?
So, have a stiff one to hand... a DRINK that is... I meant a stiff DRINK... and maybe have a cold shower, as we take a look at the fascinating world of antique sex toys...
Antiques & Collectibles - How Much Stuff, Is Too Much Stuff?

Welcome once again to 'Blog Post Monday'! I hope you're all keeping well.
I read recently about a guy called Nelson Molina. Molina is a retired refuse collector in New York. He collected trash for over 30 years and during his rounds, he would keep an eye out for treasures within the trash and let's just say, he collected quite an amount! In total, Molina has collected around 40,000 pieces and he's now turned his collection into a museum.
This got me thinking... How much stuff, is too much stuff? I'm always fascinated to see the kind of things people collect. I've seen people collecting all sorts during my 37 years of living. The outright weird, the rather wonderful and the damn right dangerous! In this week's blog post we're going to be talking about collecting. I'll share a few of my stories and I want to hear yours too!
So, as always, get that kettle on, take a seat, if you can find one underneath all those collectibles, and let's find out, how much, is too much...?
My Worst Ever Antique Buys - Learning The Ropes Of The Antiques & Collectibles Trade

It's 'Blog Post Monday' once again! Welcome, welcome, welcome....
Over the course of the past year I've written a few posts about interesting and exciting finds I've experienced during my time as a collector and dealer. Most dealers like to share stories of their favourite and most fruitful buys, but we're not so forthcoming with the disastrous ones...
Like many of us, I've had my fair share of idiotic buys. But let's be fair, there's just so much to learn when you're starting out in the antiques and collectibles trade, and it's only natural that you should make a few mistakes a long the way. I think they call it "learning the hard way" and by jove, haven't I had my moments! And, for a change, I thought this week I'd be upfront and honest, and share with you some of my worst buys of all time.
So, as always, get that kettle on, settle into your favourite chair and make sure you've got a spare pair of pants to hand, as I regale tales of my most disastrous buys...
6 Antique Shops To Visit Post Lockdown - My Lockdown Release Hot List
Just For Fun Shop & Fair Reviews

It's that time of the week again!
Welcome to this week's instalment of "Blog Post Monday". I hope you're all hanging on in there. I don't know about you, but after the announcements last week about the route out of lockdown, along with a few days of sunshine, I actually feel some hope. Hopeful that, in the not too distant future, we'll be able to get our "wheeling and dealing" back on and visit some actual antique shops, centres and fairs!
With this in mind, I began thinking about all of the antique shops I've heard glowing reports on, but I haven't yet visited. So, this week, I thought I'd share with you my "Lockdown Release Hot List" of antique shops I want to visit as soon as Covid allows. But also, and perhaps more importantly, I want you to get involved here and share with me, and the Source Vintage family, the shops that you rate highly and think we should visit.
So, get that kettle on, get those maps out, and together, let's plan our post lockdown antiques road trip...
An Antique Crested Ware Find & A Series Of Unlikely Events - Whitchurch (Hants) to York

A happy "Blog Post Monday" to you wonderful lot! I hope we're all bearing up and staying as positive as we possibly can right now. Hopefully this post will help brighten up your day.
I was sat straining my brain for something mildly interesting to write about this week when it struck me! No, not Covid, but an intriguing true story that I thought I could share.
So, as always, get that kettle on or, perhaps, to make this story a little more interesting, take a shot of liquor every time I mention the word "Whitchurch" (drink)... Here's a story of a little place called Whitchurch (drink), an antique and a series of unlikely events...