News — Industry Interviews
Talking Antique Jewellery With Claudia Of 'Wren & Rust'

Welcome once again to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'.
I've been chatting to antique dealer and good friend of mine, Claudia, from Wren & Rust, this week. I popped over to hers for a cuppa and she tested a few pieces of jewellery for me. Whilst there, I got thinking. I know a bit about antique jewellery but there is a hell of a lot that I don't know and I'm keen to learn, and I'm sure there are many of you out there in a similar position as me.
Claudia, however, is a fountain of knowledge because she lives and breathes antique jewellery and has her own business specialising in just that. With this in mind, I persuaded Claudia to do a little interview with me to not only help me learn a bit more, but to also help those budding antique jewellery collectors and dealers out there who might be seeking a few tips or words of advice, themselves.
So, as always, get that kettle on, make yourselves comfortable and let me hand you over to antique jewellery specialist, Claudia, of 'Wren & Rust'.
Talking Antiques With Industry Legend Jonathan Pratt

Welcome once again to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'!
This week, I was so very fortunate to chat to another industry legend. A legend whom some of you will recognise from popular BBC antiques shows such as Bargain Hunt, Antiques Road Trip and Flog It!. He is also among the best-known faces of the UK regional auction scene and is managing director of 'Dreweatts' - Without further ado, please put your hands together for this week's special guest, the one, the only, Mr Jonathan Pratt, ladies and gentlemen!
So, as always, get that kettle on, settle into your favourite chair and let's find out what Jonathan had to say about the world of antiques...
Talking Antiques With 'The Bidding Room's' Adi Higham - 'Part Deux'

Welcome to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'!
If you follow my weekly blog you'll know that I've been interviewing some industry legends over the course of the past 12 months. You'll also know that 'Hoof Brocante' and 'The Bidding Room's', Adi Higham, was one of my early interviews.
Well, this week, just for a change and to try something a bit different, I decided to interview that same Adi Higham...again...! "Why?" you might ask... Well, there are many reasons, really. Firstly, as legends go, Adi is up there with some of the finest. Secondly, my first interview with him has proved to be quite a popular one. And, lastly, when I interviewed him back in November, I caught him at quite a busy time. He'd been filming for 'The Bidding Room', as well as travelling back and forth from France on buying trips, so he didn't have a great deal of time. But this time, my timings were perfect and Adi was on top form!
So, as always, get that kettle on, get those feet up and settle in for Adi Higham, 'Part Deux'...
Talking Antiques With The Bidding Room's Very Own Jo Roberts

It's Monday, it's blog post time and I have another guest interview for you!
This week, I was very fortunate to catch up with artist, turned antiques dealer, turned TV star, Jo Roberts! Some of you will recognise her from BBC antiques show 'The Bidding Room'.
Jo sells at fairs and through her own website - - and is heavily involved in the online antiques scene, especially through her Instagram page - . Her Instagram live chats are a must see, if you haven't already, and her duets with fellow 'Bidding Room' dealer, Adi Higham, are a fun addition. Jo is simply bursting with creativity and energy, and has a real eye for style.
So, without further ado, let's get down to business. Get that kettle, kick back and let's find out a bit more about one of 'The Bidding Room's' newest resident experts, Jo Roberts....
Talking Antiques With 'Etoile Brocante's' Kate Plumpton - Antiques Dealer & Theatrical Agent

Welcome, once again, to "Blog Post Monday"! If you're an avid follower of my blog, you'll know that throughout last year, I was fortunate enough to do a series of interviews with some seriously big names in the antiques trade. I absolutely loved doing them and you seemed to enjoy them too. With that in mind, I wanted to continue with them this year, so I have been busy reaching out to some more stars, in the hope of persuading them to take part in my small, but mighty, antiques blog...
Over the course of the next few months I will be featuring the following industry legends; Charles Hanson, Jo Roberts, Tara Franklin and Adi Higham (Take 2), to name but a few... I'm very excited about this and I'm sure you are too! So, to ensure that you don't miss them, sign up to my email list from "create account" at the top of this page.
However, kicking off our industry interviews for 2021 is 'Etoile Brocante's' very own Kate Plumpton. Now, I was super excited about this interview because not only is Kate an antiques dealer, but she's also an agent to the stars, and we're taking about some big names here...!! So let's find out what Kate had to say when I caught up with her last week...