The Welsh Coracle Boat & My Extraordinary Antique Apprentice Piece Find

Ahoy there! Welcome to this week's instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'.
I've been out and about again this week in search of treasures. I won't lie, it's been a bit of challenge finding things of interest, but I did find a couple of little pieces that set off my tingles, one of which I'm going to be writing about today. A rare piece of Welsh social history.
So, as always, get that kettle on and get your rods out, as we take a look into the history of the Coracle boat and the extraordinary find connected to this piece of Welsh social history...
Car Boot Sale Finds That Change Lives & My Own Lucky Finds

Ahoy there and welcome to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'.
It just so happens to be 'Yorkshire Day' today and the morning after the heroics performed by our English women's football team last night! A bit of a tenuous transition here, but, by gum I feel lucky to live in Yorkshire and I feel very lucky to have witnessed an England football team finally winning something.... And, this brings me on to the subject of this week's blog post.... Lucky finds at car boot sales that have made a pretty penny! I told you it was a very tenuous transition...
Anyway, I read an article about an item that appeared on the Antiques Roadshow the other night. A tiny little gold ring, bought for £90 from a car boot sale and subsequently valued on the show at £2,000...! Lucky bugger, I thought... Whilst I'm still waiting for my life changing find, I have found a couple of little treasures which have turned a nice little profit... not life changing... but it meant that I could eat chips AND rice, folks, chips AND rice...!
So, as always, get that kettle on and queue that pompous Antiques Roadshow music, as we take a look at some of my luckies car boot sale finds...
Sex, Plugs & Rock 'n' Roll - The Whacky World Of Antique Sex Toys

Well, hello, and welcome to this week's instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'.
This week on my travels I saw something in an antiques store that made me chuckle. Described as a 19th century glass dump, this piece took on a phallic shape and within the body of it was something that I can only describe as resembling a wave of white tadpoles... I think you get the gist...! Anyway, me being me, I got home and started doing some research and I happened to stumble across the fascinating world of antique sex toys. They range from the unusual to the damn right uncomfortable and I thought (for some reason) it would make for an interesting blog post. I mean, after all, sex sells, right...?
So, have a stiff one to hand... a DRINK that is... I meant a stiff DRINK... and maybe have a cold shower, as we take a look at the fascinating world of antique sex toys...
Lord & Lady Raglan, John Lorraine Baldwin & The Duke Of Wellington - My Amazing Find

Welcome to this week's scorching hot instalment of 'Blog Post Monday'! I hope you're all keeping cool!
I visited Sheffield this week and while digging through the fabulous pieces at one of the antique shops I stumbled across an incredible piece of history. In fact, the more I've researched it, the more it has blown my mind. The links and connections between the people involved are absolutely staggering. So staggering in fact that I just had to dedicate this week's blog post to it.
So, as always, get that kettle on and get your history books out as we take a look at the fascinating web of significant historical events and figures connected to this marvellous find...
The Fascinating World Of Antique Secret Concealment Devices

Ahoy there! Welcome to another instalment of 'Blog Post Monday' and it's warm one today!
While out and about this week I stumbled across a nice example of a curiosity that got my tingles buzzing. You know how much I like my oddities and this piece sent my mind imagination wild. From murder mysteries and extraordinary prison breaks, to James Bond MI5 business, this little find made me feel like a child again, so it came home with me. And, it's the subject of this week's blog post.
So, as always, get that kettle on and I'll have mine "shaken, not stirred", as we take a look into the fascinating world of secret concealment devices and their different forms, and uses, throughout history...